Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Enjoying Christianity?


“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” 2Corinthians 5:21.

Any Christian that says he has no sin in his life is a liar and a boastful one who internally will be puffed up with pride. This kind of Christian talks as if it is done by works and no man is justified before God by works of the flesh, but by faith in Christ Jesus. The best a Christian can say when asked about his life in Christ is that he does not stand condemned of sin in his heart before God.

By this study, you are not being given an excuse to sin but you’re being given a deeper understanding of sin to know how indebted you are to Jesus Christ.  And also to counsel and empower you to discern in knowing when you are in right standing with God and when you’re not.  Not to leave yourself to the dictates and judgment of the people or unnecessary conformity to certain denominational norms and creeds whereby you either wallow in self-pity or self-righteousness.  Jesus Christ is your righteousness. By the time the Christian aligns himself to Jesus daily; he can have heaven on earth and be sure of eternal life after death.

When talking of a sinless Christian, one who is not condemned of sin, the Lord reminded me of a scene I witnessed some years ago:

There was a van conveying some pigs that had been cleaned, disinfected, and made fit for human consumption or for a better living environment. But suddenly the van fell into a ditch and the back doors flung open and the cleaned pigs slid into the dirty water.

The pigs were so happy that they joyously played inside the dirty water. It was as if they were celebrating their freedom from the bondage of cleanliness which their owners had subjected them to. They relished their momentary freedom in the dirt which they were accustomed to before their deliverance into cleanliness. It was by force that they were put back into the van.

Then the Lord told me: “If one of the pigs on its own will jumped out of the dirty water and stayed aloof hating the water and feeling unhappy of its present dirty body that pig would have been adjudged clean. Though its body is dirty but its heart is clean.” The dirt (sin) on it was by mistake and not its own doing, but on realization such dirt was displeasing.  This simply means that if by choice an opportunity to be dirty is presented to them all, this particular pig will not indulge itself in dirtiness.

“Thus says the Lord of Hosts; consider your ways” Haggai 1:7.  

Christianity is to be enjoyed, not endured.  What you endure you do half-heartedly and with stiffness, but what you enjoy, you do with freedom of the heart and love.  Christianity should bring such affective joy that radiates and touch the people around you which makes them want to associate with you, and partake of what you have.  When all things became new and old things passed away that newness must be seen in you, no matter the circumstances.   He who has made things new in your life must be made known.  Walking with Jesus though hard at times is not misery, but fulfilment unlimited, joy unequalled, happiness unimagined and peace exemplified.

When He is holding your hand, you may trip and stumble but you will not fall because He’s holding firmly to you; Isaiah 43:1-2.  The pain of the stumble may be sharp, He has promised you rest. When He said “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest for your souls” Matthew 11:29.  His yoke and learning process may be hard and tough at times, but He has promised you rest.

I hope to see you when we get there.  I won’t search heaven for you and you won’t search heaven for me either in the name of Jesus.

(Excerpt: Pg 20. The Christian and Victory Over Sin – POWER PURITY AND PERFECTION)

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