Tuesday, 4 October 2011


It has always being said that it is not good for one to be alone.  But it should be pointed out that there are times you may not help being alone.  This may be just for short moments as some time of being alone had been known to last for months, or years depending on the severity of the situation. Being alone has two variables; being alone by choice, and being alone by circumstances. There’s a bit of difference between the two.

Being alone by choice is more of a personal decision, that of a will of the mind to just be at home with yourself without making contact with anybody for a particular length of time. Such may be a time for studying, praying, sleeping, and the like. Being alone by circumstances on the other hand is more of a position you are pushed into which you don’t want, but has to accept because there’s nothing you can do about it. When the society rejects you, which may be due to an ailment, lack of productivity, or even out of envy, no matter how you try to push yourself back into the society, if the class that you are trying to belong to rejects you, you may have no choice than to stay alone. This is loneliness.

But the truth of the matter is almost everybody who matters in the society started from the second variable, being alone by circumstances. Few, very few started from the first variable, being alone by choice. It is those who got a grip on themselves that moved from the second to the first, and then they begin to matter.  The second variable is a trial, while the first is a personal test of endurance and perseverance.

Being alone is not a crime, because circumstances may necessitate it, but it is what you do when you are alone, that determines if you have committed a crime or not.  What do you do when you are alone?  Do you mop around, looking downcast all the time?  This kind of self rejection happens initially to every person; but it is the duration and the attitude of the person during such moments that matters.

Being alone is a blessing. It can also be a plan from God for your own good because it is a time for personal self development. This takes knowledge and understanding to get into, and being alone with your spirit brings productivity. Almost all successful men in the world today have been alone at one time or the other working in the dark, until their time of introduction.  Adam did the most constructive work of his life when he was alone, and the work he did at that time still endures till today; Gen 2:19-20.  Scientists with great inventions credited to them, writers, and other notable people worked alone before they became known.

The soul long so much for association that if you are not careful your progress may be stalled, because it is what the people give to you that you will do just to maintain friendship and relevance. It can be a mediocre kind of life that will bring stress and restlessness just because you want to belong.  But the spirit gives you something tangible to give to the society, which is most needful to them, and they will have no choice than to flock to you.  What you give makes you relevant and the people will want to bask in your relevance.  You dictate the terms you call the shots, your spirit guides the soul, then you maintain relationship.

Being alone is a condition for leadership.  And knowing how to be alone is a qualification for continuous leadership. It leads to being in control of situations and circumstances. But many a leader after having captured the society get lost in the glare and they soon forget what and who gave them power and how they got to where they are. Soon the soul through the society starts calling the shots, then the spirit is downplayed, they begin to crave endlessly for association and recognition, then they forget how to be alone in the spirit; they then fall or they fade out of recognition.  Jesus Christ never forgot how to be alone at times despite the glitterati of His time; Luke 6:12.



  1. I guess you become who you desire to be by separating yourself from society and examining who you are. The less you talk with men, the more you talk with your inner mind and God. Really inspirational.

  2. That's very true. Sometimes we think we have to be where everybody can reach us, that we don't want to be out of circulation which makes us feel proud of ourselves that we are needed. But it is when we are alone with ourselves more that we discover more things about us which will be of great benefit to us and the larger society.
    Thanks for your comment.


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